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Download NHTSA's free SaferCar app.
When SaferCar discovers a safety recall for the vehicle or
equipment you entered, it will send you an alert on your phone.
You can also sign up for general recall alerts via email.

Recall Information
Recall information is sometimes hard to decifer. When you look up tires on the NTHSA, it list tires that have complaints but haven't been recalled. When you read the details of the complaints, it's shocking how many failures were found. Below are several complaints involving severe failures.

Transparentcy of Recalls
Some reports say that only about 20% of recalled tires in the market are replaced. When researching tire recalls, I noticed it seemed as if most stories about recalls had been "scrubbed" from the internet. To the right is a screenshot where dozens of tv stations had done a story on a recall of 541K tires. When you click on them, it gives you a 404 error/Page Not Found.
I looked for information on a known recall that took place a couple years ago, involving an overcuring of tires. Couldn't find any information about it.
Even when you look on the NHTSA website for recalls, it is somewhat difficult to get a clear understanding of how many recalls are active.

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